趣味のためのMacに関するサイト > AppleScript > ソースコード > Jeditでコピペした部分を赤くするスクリプト




  1. –コピー箇所明示.scpt
  2. tell front document of application Jedit X
  3. set theDefault to {charfont:LucidaGrande, charsize:12.0, forecolor:{65535, 0, 0}, backcolor:{0, 0, 0}}
  4. activate
  5. –クリップボードに転送
  6. copy selected text to targetText
  7. set the clipboard to targetText
  8. if rich text then
  9. set theRange to selected character range
  10. stack to undo range theRange
  11. set startIndex to (loc of theRange)
  12. set endIndex to startIndex + (len of theRange) 1
  13. tell characters from startIndex to endIndex of text of it
  14. set font to charfont of theDefault
  15. set size to charsize of theDefault
  16. set color of it to (forecolor of theDefault)
  17. end tell
  18. else
  19. stack to undo
  20. tell text of it
  21. set font to charfont of theDefault
  22. set size to charsize of theDefault
  23. set color of it to (forecolor of theDefault)
  24. end tell
  25. end if
  26. end tell


ページトップに戻る↑                           ページ一番下へ↓


About 1q3



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