- –コピー箇所明示.scpt
- tell front document of application “Jedit X“
- set theDefault to {charfont:“LucidaGrande“, charsize:12.0, forecolor:{65535, 0, 0}, backcolor:{0, 0, 0}}
- activate
- –クリップボードに転送
- copy selected text to targetText
- set the clipboard to targetText
- —
- if rich text then
- set theRange to selected character range
- stack to undo range theRange
- set startIndex to (loc of theRange)
- set endIndex to startIndex + (len of theRange) – 1
- tell characters from startIndex to endIndex of text of it
- set font to charfont of theDefault
- set size to charsize of theDefault
- set color of it to (forecolor of theDefault)
- end tell
- else
- stack to undo
- tell text of it
- set font to charfont of theDefault
- set size to charsize of theDefault
- set color of it to (forecolor of theDefault)
- end tell
- end if
- end tell